We've been hunting for a lot of things lately. That sneaky other patent leather shoe. The beloved blankie (also known as "Bubble Gum" at our house) that seems to have grown some legs and sauntered away. Our wee dog who enjoys the occasional solitary jaunt in the neighborhood. Eggs....because it totally makes sense that a bunny comes and hides them to celebrate Easter. What is with that weird tradition? Oh, and of course, our sanity...we are always looking for that.
And perhaps you've been hunting for a Liz update. Hunt no more!
Liz has been enduring weeks of Chemotherapy now and she's tolerating it amazingly well! She is surrounded by people who have lined up to be her Chemo-Buddy and the regimen of once-a-week treatment for two consecutive weeks followed by a third week off has continued. She sits and chats for hours while the treatment pours into her body. She is religious about taking her anti-naseau medications and they are working! She has found that she gets really fatigued five days after her treatment so she is learning to takes naps. That's been an adjustment.
She has lost some hair...but she started with so much that she now just has enough for only herself (instead of having enough to share with you and three of your closest friends). Her face has gotten a tad puffy but when people run into her as she is out and about, they tell her she looks amazing. She thinks they are really just amazed that she is standing upright...people with cancer are just not supposed to do the things she is doing.
Some days she feels so good she wonders if all this crazy treatment is really working. We should get an indication of that soon. This Thursday she goes in for her first body scan since the chemo started. That should give us an idea as to whether the tumors are being contained, whether they are shrinking, whether they are running scared.
So right now, we are in the hunt for some good news! Won't you join us?